Omelette for 2 Adults:
Ingredients for adult omelette - 2 servings, each roughly 100 calories
1/2 cup egg whites (I like Organic Valley - the price is great, and they are pasteurized)
2 teaspoons canola oil
1 cup baby organic arugula (Olivia's organics is the best!)
4 tablespoons Whole Foods Salsa Fresca (if you are making your own, use chopped tomatoes, red onions, scallions and cilantro)
1/4 cup part skim grated mozzarella cheese
salt and pepper to taste
Serve with a mini-whole wheat bagel toasted and topped with 1 tablespoon 365 whipped cream cheese (135 calories) for a total of 235 calorie breakfast.
Ingredients for Children's Omelette - serves 2
2 eggs
2 teaspoons canola oil
1/4 cup whole milk or 2% depending on your child's age
8 baby spinach leaves stacked, rolled and julienne both ways for a fine dice
1/4 cup grated part skim mozzarella
Serve with mini-whole wheat bagel with your child's choice of peanut butter, almond or soy nut butter, or cream cheese. I tend to have my little ones split a bagel, or it will fill them up leaving no room for the yummy eggs.
Break the kids eggs and whip them with the milk, set aside. Grate the cheese and measure for each omelette. Chop the kids spinach ( my turns out so small that when cooked, I can refer to them as green eggs and they are not even seeing the spinach leaf - especially because its on the inside.) Take two small omelette pans on put them on medium heat, pouring the canola oil into each and spreading it over the bottom of the pan with a cooking brush. The oil should be hot almost immediately, so pour the kids eggs into one pan and the whites into the other and turn both to med-low heat. To the kids omelette, add the spinach on one side of the omelette and to the adults, the salsa and arugula, salt and pepper on one side. Using a rubber spatula, work around the edges of the omelette, lifting the edges slightly to ensure that you will be able to lift and fold. If at any point it smells or looks like the bottom is browning at this point, turn the stove to low immediately. If not, keep on medium-low. When the omelets are getting firm on the bottom and only really runny in the middle of the top, add one half of the cheese to each on the side with the veggies and fold the omelette empty side over the veggie side so that it looks like a half- moon or a crescent. Turn the pan to low, add the remaining cheese on top of the crescents and cover. Cook no more than 2 minutes then turn off the heat and keep the cover on and let sit another minutes to fully melt the top cheese on each. serve!
With all the yummy greens in the house - think about an arugula and spinach salad for lunch a sliced fresh juicy, nectarines on top, reduced-fat feta cheese, sauteed yellow onions, slivered almonds, 1/4 avocado and drizzled with olive oil and lemon or lime juice.
Thanks for the easy and tasty recipes! I just got some organic pepper and Himalayan sea salt from Sustainable Sourcing for Christmas and I think using them both in some eggs sounds divine. Thanks for sharing!