The Needham girls - originally of South Jersey- are the kind of girls you don't like at first. They roll out of bed looking like the rest of us look after serious effort, and they look better in a bikini (weeks after having their second kid) than most women before they had kids. But if you can get past all that - and I know its tough - its worth befriending them for the oatmeal cookies they bring by when you are having a rough day and the cupcakes made with the secret family recipe that get dropped off "for your kids" on their birthdays (I try to shove them in my mouth before my kids see so that I don't have to share.)
After serious begging, I convinced one of the sisters to share this simple but totally yummy recipe for holiday treats - here it is with two different versions. If you are interested in more fun desserts with pretzels click on the Snyders link below.
Chocolate Covered Pretzel Bites
hersheys kisses
Turtle Pretzel Bites
1 bag "snap" pretzels
Preheat oven to 350. Unwrap all the hersheys kisses or rolos (hardest part I swear). Lie pretzels out flat on baking sheet and place a rolo OR hersheys kiss (depending on which recipe you are following) on each pretzel. Bake for about 3-5 mintues (the rolo or kiss WON'T look melted).
When they come out and are still warm squish a M&M onto the kisses OR pecan into the rolos. They take a LONG time to cool. I usually let them sit on pan on the counter for a few hours to stiffen and then eventually place them in the refridgerator to really firm up!
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